AO: The analysts believe that a shared set of terms is needed for the progress of the science of team science. They note that there is too much variation in definitions used and so
AO: The analysts do not think of collaboration as a new methodological tool (as it has for example been treated in development work), rather, they argued that it is central to the
AO: I don’t have an edxo question but the analysts are interested in how to train the next generation of transdisciplinary scholars. They argue that metrics (that are “valid and
AO: The analysts assume that strategies of creativity and innovation are needed to move the field forward and further improve public health science and practice (S243).
AO: The issue of authorship begins even before the actual writing of the paper as the analysts note: “Who is given the opportunity to contribute, and thus potentially qualify as an
AO: Analysts note that “understanding of and sensitivity to cultural differences and their impact on teamwork” is important but it is unclear what kinds of “culture” they mean… Seems
AO: They do not talk about this explicitly but they note the collaborative milieu that is now the normative environment of research (which is supported by research grants and “
AO: two cases of collaboration are analyzed: multi-national, publicly funded project bringing together research teams from Britain and Bangladesh and a...Read more
AO: Like Matsutake group, they explicitly note they are not interested in a division of labor (86)
AO: They give an example of collaboration with “Bert”
AO: Binaries and metaphors are not used explicitly but in naming a reconstitution of anthropology towards “elites,” the analysts are also implying the opposite of elites (non-elites)...Read more