San Francisco


Within 3 months of the effecitve date, each department must appoint a Data Coordinator

Within 6 months, each department must begin conducting reviews on their progress of putting data on the...Read more


Within 3 months of the effecitve date, each department must appoint a Data Coordinator

Within 6 months, each department must begin conducting reviews on their progress of putting data on the...Read more


The CDO will establish licensing guidelines. A "Creative Commons" license is cited as an example as a license that would allow anyone to use the data at no cost. Read more


Within 3 months of the effecitve date, each department must appoint a Data Coordinator

Within 6 months, each department must begin conducting reviews on their progress of putting data on the...Read more

San Francisco Open Data Policy

I am adding this article to contribute to the research of Open Data in California.Read more


The Open Data Policy is hosted on American Legal Publishing Corporation in the San Francisco Charter (Chapter 22D) Read more

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