data management

EVENT: January 2020. “Perhaps we have framed the research data management challenge incorrectly?”

Title: “Perhaps we have framed the research data management challenge incorrectly?”

UCB iSchool Friday Afternoon Seminar on Information Access

Speaker: Clifford Lynch

3:25 PM - 5:00 PM

South Hall 107...Read more

Metadata and Digital Information

An excellent analysis and genealogy of metadata.

Jane Greenberg . Metadata and Digital Information. In Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences,
Third Edition. Taylor and Francis: New York, Published online: 09 Dec 2009; 3610-3623.
...Read more

Data Curation Profiles Toolkit

The Data Curation Profiles is a toolkit that provides librarians, professors, researchers, and any information expert with the resources necessary to describe the characteristics of a data set,...Read more

Data Management Planning Tools

The DMP Tool provides a researcher with the necessary resources to create a data management plan according to the guidelines for a specific funding agency. Moreover, this tool supplies a detailed...Read more

DMP Tool Features

The DMP Tool provides a researcher with the necessary resources to create a data management plan according to the guidelines for a specific funding agency. Moreover, this tool supplies a...Read more

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