
Okune: queer African voices as "data"

The following excerpt from Keguro highlights the feeling that these stories and voices are not a way to "give voice" but rather a way to turn those stories (and people) into data and/or evidence...Read more

Data Curation Profiles Toolkit

The Data Curation Profiles is a toolkit that provides librarians, professors, researchers, and any information expert with the resources necessary to describe the characteristics of a data set,...Read more

DMP Tool Features

The DMP Tool provides a researcher with the necessary resources to create a data management plan according to the guidelines for a specific funding agency. Moreover, this tool supplies a...Read more

Data Management Planning Tools

The DMP Tool provides a researcher with the necessary resources to create a data management plan according to the guidelines for a specific funding agency. Moreover, this tool supplies a detailed...Read more

Igo, Sarah E. 2018. “We Are All Research Subjects Now.” The Chronicle of Higher Education, October 7, 2018.

This 2018 article by Sarah Igo describes how the recent SSRN - Facebook partnership is an important turning point for research and data ethics today.Read more

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