

The policy states that the City does not claim that the data is fit, complete, accurate, or timely for any particular purpose. The specifically say the are responsible for faults on the Open Data...Read more

Public Records Legislation

I am adding this legislation to contribute to the research of open data in California. 

This legislation was introduced by Assemblymember Gatto in 2015. Read more

Open Data Standards Legislation

I am adding this legislation to contribute to the research of open data in California.

The bill called, "Local government: public records: Internet". It was introudced Assemblymemeber Maienschein in 2015. Read more


The city manager must issue an annual report to the City Council which details the number, quality, and description of all of the datasets posted to the Open Data Portal. Read more

Open Data Implementation Policy

I am adding this article to contribute to the research of Open Data in California. Read more


Prior to this policy, Oakland's data portal had already been launched. This policy requires: 

  • A City Administrator must present a regulations draft about the technical requirements of
  • ...Read more
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