Harvey, Graham. 2003. “Guesthood as Ethical Decolonising Research Method.” Numen 50 (2): 125–46.

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Contributed date

July 24, 2018 - 3:09pm

Critical Commentary

AO: This 2003 paper by Graham Harvey argues that the duality of "insider" and "outsider" researcher is overly simplistic and that alternative relational positions can enhance research and its outcomes. He suggests one alternative position based on his work with the Maori: protocols by which Maori convert strangers into guests, while allowing the possibility that strangers might be enemies.



Cite as

Graham Harvey, "Harvey, Graham. 2003. “Guesthood as Ethical Decolonising Research Method.” Numen 50 (2): 125–46.", contributed by Angela Okune, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 24 July 2018, accessed 3 March 2025. http://722761.pnozaj.asia/content/harvey-graham-2003-“guesthood-ethical-decolonising-research-method”-numen-50-2-125–46