Dei, George J. Sefa. 1999. Anti-Racism Education: Theory and Practice. Halifac: Fernwood.


Abstract: "Dei argues that analyzing the intersections of race, class, gender and sexual oppression is essential if we are to fully address educational equity, social justice and change. He examines how we can value our differences while equitably sharing power, and discusses ways to counter the reproduction of societal inequalities in our schools."


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Contributed date

May 24, 2018 - 9:04pm

Critical Commentary

Angela Okune: This 1996 book by George Sefa Dei argues that attempting to address racism through multicultural, inclusive education has been insufficient and provides an overview of an "antiracism" education based on an Afrocentric model.



Cite as

George Sefa Dei, "Dei, George J. Sefa. 1999. Anti-Racism Education: Theory and Practice. Halifac: Fernwood.", contributed by Angela Okune and Angela Okune, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 15 June 2018, accessed 2 February 2025.